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Why should you buy real estate online?

Why should you buy real estate online?

Shopping for a new home can be a pretty daunting task especially when you are overburdened with work, kids and managing your home. The endless trips to the neighbourhood, locating the nearest amenities and those long discussions with the real estate agents are only...

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Why Virtual tours are loved by property buyers and sellers?

Why Virtual tours are loved by property buyers and sellers?

When virtual reality was first introduced, it was met with disbelief which later turned to amazement and hasn’t stopped thrilling people ever since. The Sensorama, one of the first examples of virtual reality simulated a city where one could ride on a motorcycle, hear...

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What are the tax benefits of buying a second home?

What are the tax benefits of buying a second home?

According to a survey by Savills India, the second home market in India is gaining momentum and the demand is expected to rise further. A question that most second home buyers frequently pose is if there are any tax benefits that one can accrue by purchasing a second...

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NRI Real Estate Investment in India – Things to Consider

NRI Real Estate Investment in India – Things to Consider

If you have been investing for long, chances are you must have heard of the weakening stock market along with the deposit rates falling below 6-7%. Add to this, the rupee has been strengthening against the dollar and is estimated to rise further. Investing in that...

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Things To Follow To Get Your Home Loan Approved Easily

Things To Follow To Get Your Home Loan Approved Easily

Every day, the minute you wake up, you are bombarded with calls from banks offering you home loans. But, how many of these lenders will finally approve the loan to your residential apartments in Bangalore? This is the question that you should ask yourself. With the...

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The Best Home Loans for Your Dream House

The Best Home Loans for Your Dream House

One of the biggest hurdles that a homebuyer has to cross is to zero on the right flat for sale in Electronic City backed by the right builder. This is no mean feat by itself. Once you have picked your dream home from zillions of enticing properties in Bangalore, the...

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5 Things To Remember Before Buying A Second Home

5 Things To Remember Before Buying A Second Home

Is buying a second home a good investment in India? This is one of the questions we often get asked.  According to a recent survey by Savills India, a global property consultancy firm, a whopping 70% of homebuyers are interested in purchasing a second home priced...

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Should you buy a property during its Pre-Launch Period?

Should you buy a property during its Pre-Launch Period?

Every other day, you hear about the pre-launch offers of new apartment projects in Electronic City, Bangalore and you can’t help but wonder whether it is safe to invest in these gated community apartments in Electronic City, Bangalore. Firstly, what is a pre-launch...

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Why are Homebuyers Shifting to Peripheral Areas?

Why are Homebuyers Shifting to Peripheral Areas?

According to a recent consumer survey by ANAROCK, a whopping 43% of homebuyers now prefer living in the peripheral areas while 28% prefer homes in the city limits. When probed further, it came to light that the recent work from home culture has propelled residents to...

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What are Convenient Homes?

What are Convenient Homes?

This is a term that has different connotations for different people. But for most people, convenient homes were once used to mean those that were near to their workplace, child’s school and the nearest grocery store. But with the recent pandemic, it has taken a new...

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8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around The World

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around The World

If you have ever been to your South Indian friend’s residential apartments in Bangalore, chances are you may have seen a cow entering the flat before anybody else could get inside. Strikes as unique? Wait till you hear about more such unique traditions from the rest...

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How to Inspect Construction Quality?

How to Inspect Construction Quality?

So you have zeroed on that fancy flats in electronic city Bangalore but a little dubious if the construction is up to the mark? After all, living in an unsafe building is nobody’s dream. You are not the only one who is worried about that though. According to a survey...

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Should You Buy Or Rent An Apartment in Bangalore?

Should You Buy Or Rent An Apartment in Bangalore?

To buy or to rent is a never-ending dilemma for most of us. To add to this confusion, we are saddled with a lot of well-meaning advice from our friends and family confusing us even further. While the prospect of buying apartments in Bangalore does sound enticing, the...

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Millennials Checklist Before Buying A Dream Home

Millennials Checklist Before Buying A Dream Home

One of the common perceptions that we hear about millennials is that they don’t settle down easily. But, how far is it true? Turns out, not so much! According to a recent report by the Joint Centre for Housing Studies of Harvard University, the number of people in...

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Why You Should Buy Your House in Your 20’s

Why You Should Buy Your House in Your 20’s

Some of our greatest life lessons come from the experiences of our parents themselves and a majority of us may have heard them lamenting how they had started investing late. But, still, most of us refrain from investing sooner and worry if ‘20s is the right time to...

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Simple Ways To Make Your Apartment Pet Friendly

Simple Ways To Make Your Apartment Pet Friendly

Congratulations! So you have finally gotten a pet that you wanted since your childhood. You have bought him a nice bed and his favourite treats. But, have you considered making your home pet-friendly so that your pet feels happy and safe? Pets, when young tend to be...

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Common Traps While Purchasing An Apartment

Common Traps While Purchasing An Apartment

Thinking of investing in that swanky property for sale in Bangalore but worried if you are making the right decision? Buying a new home can be pretty expensive and overwhelming. After hearing several horrors of how fraudulent builders have managed to get the better of...

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What is the Evolution of Constructive Technology?

What is the Evolution of Constructive Technology?

A lot has been spoken about how Netflix has replaced your DVDs Spotify has taken over your Sony walkman but have you ever wondered how the construction technology has changed? As the construction industry is rapidly advancing to a digital-first world, it has become...

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Living Experience – Electronic City vs Whitefield

Living Experience – Electronic City vs Whitefield

Having lived for several years in Whitefield, my husband and I finally made the big move after looking at so many apartments in electronic city. I was pretty sure that I would resist the move. However, I was in for a surprise and I wished that I had taken the plunge...

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5 Benefits of Generating Passive Income Through Real Estate

5 Benefits of Generating Passive Income Through Real Estate

In today's world, professionals all over the world are looking for new and innovative ways to secure their financial future. One such promising avenue in India today is investing in the real estate market, particularly in rapidly urbanised cities like Bangalore. As...

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